

  1. 「智互通」服務(「本服務」)由Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (「HKT」)提供。成功註冊和/或使用本服務,即表示您確認已閱讀、明白並接受 (i) 本「智互通」服務條款及細則;(ii) 香港移動通訊有限公司(「CSL」)有關本服務的服務條款及細則;以及 (iii) 其他適用於有關於您使用本服務的條款及細則(統稱「智互通」服務條款及細則)。您對「智互通」服務條款及細則的同意,並不會損害其他適用於您的HKT家居電話服務及csl/1O1O流動電話服務的條款及細則的權益。
  2. 本服務提供指定家居電話及流動電話之轉駁來電功能。
  3. 本服務只提供予已登記 (i) 由HKT提供的指定家居電話服務計劃;及 (ii) 由CSL提供的指定csl/1O1O流動服務計劃的合資格個人客戶。
  4. 申請本服務需經由HKT審批。
  5. 成功申請本服務後,您須於App Store或Google Play下載和成功安裝指定csl/1O1O應用程式,並透過支援的流動裝置使用相關的csl/1O1O賬戶和密碼登入,以及在該應用程式內連接及驗證您的智互通賬號,方可使用本服務,將指定HKT家居號碼,轉駁至您指定的流動電話號碼。如您身處香港以外地區使用本服務,過程中或會產生漫遊電話或其他收費。
  6. 開通本服務後,您可使用已登記本服務的csl/1O1O及家居電話號碼登入HKT家居電話應用程式。
  7. 當您的指定家居電話服務或指定csl/1O1O流動服務終止時,本服務亦會同時終止。
  8. HKT和 CSL不會以任何方式對本服務的品質作出保證,並不會確保指定HKT家居電話號碼的所有來電,將在本服務下被成功轉駁、持續通話或不會出現錯誤。您確認並同意HKT、CSL和其關聯公司(指其附屬公司、其控股公司和該等控股公司的任何附屬公司,其中「附屬公司」和「控股公司」須根據《公司條例》(香港法例第622 章)所界定)對任何與轉駁電話有關(包括但不限於指定HKT家居電話號碼的任何連接或取消連接)的任何損失或損害(包括但不限於轉駁至漫遊電話所產生的額外收費)概不負責。
  9. 如有任何疑問,您可致電HKT個人客戶服務熱線1000查詢。
  10. HKT有權隨時終止或更改此服務或本條款及細則而不作另行通知。
  11. 如有任何爭議,HKT保留最終決定權。

Smart Connect Service Terms and Conditions

  1. The Smart Connect Service (“Service”) is provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”). By signing up to and/or accessing the Service, you confirm to have read, understood and accepted (i) these Smart Connect Service Terms and Conditions; (ii) The Terms and Conditions of CSL Mobile Limited (“CSL”) for Smart Connect; and (iii) such other terms and conditions applicable to your access of the Service (collectively, the “Smart Connect Terms and Conditions”). Your agreement to the Smart Connect Terms and Conditions is without prejudice to the relevant terms and conditions applicable to your HKT Home Phone Service and csl/1O1O Mobile Service.
  2. The Service provides call-forwarding functions for designated home phones and mobile phones.
  3. To be eligible for the Service, you must be the registered consumer customer of both (i) a designated Home Phone Service provided by HKT, and (ii) a designated csl/1O1O Mobile Service provided by CSL.
  4. Application for the Service is subject to approval by HKT.
  5. After you subscribe to the Service, you are required to download and successfully install the csl/1O1O app (available fromthe App Store or Google Play) onto an eligible mobile device, log in with your relevant csl/1O1O account, and connect your online Smart Connect account in the csl/1O1O app to use the Service. The Service allows you to forward incoming calls from your HKT home phone number to any mobile phone number specified by you. You may incur roaming or other charges if you access such mobile phone number out of Hong Kong.
  6. Once the Service is activated, you may also log in to the Star Home Call app with your csl/1O1O mobile number and your HKT home phone number that have been registered under this Service.
  7. The Service will terminate immediately when your designated Home Phone Service or designated csl/1O1O Mobile Service is terminated.
  8. HKT and CSL make no representation or guarantee whatsoever as to the quality of the Service, do not in any way guarantee that all incoming calls to the designated HKT home phone number will be transferred successfully under the Service, nor in any way guarantee that the Service will be continuous or error-free. You acknowledge and agree that HKT, CSL or their respective Affiliates (being any of its subsidiaries or holding companies or any subsidiaries of those holding companies, wherein the terms “subsidiary” and “holding company” shall have the same meaning as defined in the Companies Ordinance, Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) will not in any way be held responsible for any loss or damage howsoever incurred in connection with the Service (including but not limited to any charges in relation to call forwarding to a roaming number).
  9. In case of any enquiry or dispute about the Service, please contact HKT Customer Service Hotline 1000.
  10. HKT reserves the right to modify, suspend, and/or terminate the Service or its terms and conditions without prior notice.
  11. In case of dispute, HKT reserves the right of final decision.